Shapes & Placement
Here’s what blind Contour looks like with unlimited “cheating” (looking at paper).
It is interesting to see how many times this lady turns her head (looking back and forth between object and drawing). As we enclose areas with lines, we are now dealing with the next element, shape.
It is interesting to see how many times this lady turns her head (looking back and forth between object and drawing). As we enclose areas with lines, we are now dealing with the next element, shape.
Add some measurements, and you can do a contour drawing:
Recap Stages of Drawing, Reminder: LIGHTLY Drawn Preliminary Work
(No one ever goes light enough at the start! =P )
(No one ever goes light enough at the start! =P )
-Rough In Largest, Most Basic/Important Shapes, with Light Whispy, Sketchy, Searching Lines (Pencil)
-Correct Mistakes (don’t bother erasing – prevent redrawing in same spot)
-Inking (Follow pencil line with a pen/contour line or transfers and Ink le Baton)
-Try to Find Natural Posture/body radius to Draw Graceful, Calligraphic Lines
-Apply/Thicken Lines Strategically (Lines Closest to You) To Make Dynamic and Imply Depth or on bottom to imply shadow.
Draw a still life. Start with most basic shapes and draw very lightly!
Thinking about shape in preliminary stages /w
Composition and Framing (Discussion/ {new} Video).
Do a few light preliminary drawing of a still life or photo.
Option: Thicken Lines Strategically (Lines Closest to You) To Make Shadows, Make Dynamic and Imply Depth:
Contour > Inking & Line Variation/Calligraphic Line Exercise “Ink Le Baton”.